As a healthcare professional dealing with viruses and bacteria is something that Physiotherapists have been trained in. All staff at S Physiotherapy have also been through the following courses: ‘Understanding Coronavirus Disease’, ‘Handwashing’, ‘Protective Equipment’, ‘Managing Infectious Diseases’.
To minimise risk of infection to your or any members of your family we will conduct the following:
- Handwashing after every client contact, we always wash our hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water – we are firm believers in good hand hygiene and all our staff have been trained in effective handwashing techniques. If you do not see your physiotherapist wash their hands between client contacts, please feel free to ask us to wash them again.
- Sanitising after every client contact, we always wipe down all of our equipment with sanitising products. Please feel free to ask us to wipe down equipment again, if needed.
- Alcohol Gel will be available for use by staff and clients at frequent touch points – e.g when making a payment.
- Garden Sessions will be conducted with the client where possible with a 1-2 metre distance.
We will message you the day before and the day or your session to ensure that you have no symptoms of a fever, cough or feeling unwell. If you do feel unwell it is important to let us know as soon as you can.
What we may require you to provide to ensure that the risk of infection is minimised is listed below. This will be made clear before your session.
- Towels must be provided by the client to minimise risk of infection.
- Minimal attendance at the session with only the client and physiotherapist being in close proximity. All other members of the household must not be in the same area of treatment.